Christmas Pudding Tips
Do you wait until stir up Sunday to make your Christmas pudding? I've always been firmly of the opinion that a good Christmas pudding needs time to mature and with that in mind, get the pudding underway any time from mid October to mid November.
This is another case of Mary Berry or Delia Smith to the rescue - why mess with a classic?!
Music: The Christmas Presents. Jingle Bell Rock
Cooking Instructions For Your Aga:
-Wrap the pudding with greaseproof paper and then foil, each pleated in the middle to allow for expansion.
-Place the wrapped pudding in an oven proof pan with well fitted lid. Fill with water to halfway up the pudding.
-On the Electrickit, bring to the boil on your induction or radiant heat hob, then move to the traditional hob set to number 3 to gently simmer for an hour. This will ensure that the pudding is thoroughly heated throughout.
-On the eControl, bring to the boil on the instaheat, then move to the traditional plate set to half heat.
-On a traditional Aga, bring to the boil on the boiling plate, then move to the simmering plate.
-After an hour, move to any oven set to 120c (Electrickit or eControl) or the simmering oven in a traditional Aga.
-On the Electrickit, place in the centre of the oven. In a traditional Aga, cook on a grid shelf placed on the base of the oven.
-Leave overnight to cook (don't worry if you leave it for as much as 10-14 hours, it will continue to get richer and stickier.
-Rewrap and store.
-On the big day, simply pop into the back of the simmering oven, still in its wrapping and heat for a minimum of 3 hours (but it won't do any harm doing it for longer). There is no need for water for this second cooking period.